How to Know When It’s Time for a Hearing Test

Woman in a booth getting a hearing test.

At what point should you think about having your hearing evaluated? Here are some signs that reveal you should get your hearing evaluated.

Recently, my children expressed discontent with the high volume of the TV. Do you know what I said to them? I said, “What?!” It was amusing because it was a joke. But it also wasn’t. The volume of the TV has been escalating. And I began to question whether I should set up a hearing assessment.

There’s no good reason to avoid scheduling a hearing test. They aren’t invasive, there’s no radiation, and you don’t have to worry about discomfort. You just need to take a brief minute to schedule an appointment.

Given the considerable impact that unaddressed hearing loss can have on your overall well-being, it’s crucial to be proactive about monitoring your hearing.

You should have your hearing checked if you detect these signs

If you’ve detected any recent changes that might be indicative of hearing loss, booking a thorough hearing assessment with a professional is likely a wise decision. If it’s difficult to hear, it most likely means there’s significant hearing impairment.

  • It’s hard to hear in noisy places: Have you ever been to a crowded or noisy space and had trouble keeping up with the conversation because of all the background noise? It’s possible that this could be an indication of a loss of hearing.
  • People always seem to be speaking unclearly: The problem may not always be volume but instead clarity.
  • You’re always overlooking text messages: Your phone is made to be loud. So, if you’re always missing calls or text messages, it might be because you’re noy hearing them.
  • Ringing that won’t go away: Ringing in your ears, also known as tinnitus, is typically an indication of hearing damage.

Other indications you should make an appointment for a hearing test:

  • Your ear is still blocked following an infection
  • Surplus earwax has amassed and can not be removed by self-cleaning approaches
  • Medications you’re taking might be harming your hearing
  • It is difficult to pinpoint the source of sounds
  • You have vertigo

Routine checkups

But what if you haven’t noticed any of these indications of hearing loss? Is there a criteria for how often you should get your hearing checked?

  • Get a baseline test done at some point after you turn 21.
  • For people with normal hearing, it’s recommended to have a hearing exam every three years.
  • If you show symptoms of hearing loss, have it checked out immediately and then annually after that.

Routine screenings may detect hearing loss early, before any symptom are evident. Prompt professional attention can considerably improve your chances of maintaining healthy hearing over time. This means you should probably turn your TV down and set up a hearing test.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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